Ward Committee Elections 2016
Notice is hereby given that in terms of the Local Government Municipal Structures Act, No 117 of 1998, and Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, No 32 of 2000 read with Council’s approved Policy on Establishment and Operations of Ward Committees.
The Newcastle Municipality (kz252) will be conducting ward committee elections in all 34 wards within Newcastle Municipality.
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The following conditions apply in terms of the eligibility for any member of the public to be elected or to serve as a member of ward committee;
• A candidate must be nominated for a position by an interest group in a sector that is registered in the municipal database or in the absence of a registered interest group, a candidate will be nominated by a members of the community in a public meeting.
• are requested to bring ID books or valid driver’s license on the voting day.
• A candidate must be a South African citizen above 18 years and a registered voter in the ward.
• Section 7 of the Policy on Establishment and Operations of Ward Committee will be applicable to candidates eligible for election as a ward committee.
• Membership and duties of ward committee members must be regarded as voluntary service for the benefit of the community members and are not remunerated but do receive an out of pocket reimbursement.
For enquiries please contact Mr. Zakhele Dlamini during working hours at 034-328 7675
Mr. B.E. Mswane
Municipal Manager
Newcastle Municipality
Private Bag X6621
Newcastle, 2940
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