October Transport Month Campaign

Traffic officers ready for the road safety campaign
The Department of Community Safety within Newcastle Municipality in conjunction with different stakeholders including Taxi Association, EMRS, SAPS, RTI and ER 24, launched transport month campaign under the theme “Together we move South Africa Forward”, at Hill drop and Allen street intersection on 5th October 2017.
The overview of the event was presented by the Acting Strategic Executive Director for Community Services; Dr P.D Thabethe. “We are using this month to sensitise the community of Newcastle about road safety, many people are losing their lives on the roads and if we, as the Municipality, do not intervene by sending the message to as many drivers as we can reach, this loss will not end. Dr Thabethe continued to warn drivers and commuters to be more vigilant and cautious on the road.
Present to officiate the launch was the Deputy Mayor, Cllr D. Sibiya, addressing those present, Cllr Sibiya thanked the Traffic Officers for the selfless service that they are giving the community of Newcastle, and all other road users “We understand that your job is a difficult one, your safety is not guaranteed but because you have dedicated your lives to this and you continue to work tirelessly and therefore Council is proud of you”, alluded Cllr Sibiya.
Despite the bad rainy weather conditions which is always the order of the day for transport officers the campaign proved to be a huge success.

Deputy Mayor Cllr D. Sibiya sharing road safety tips with car drivers

Dr. P.D Thabethe engaging with taxi drivers
Interesting to see our town have so many traffic officers, but during peek ours they are nowhere to be seen in town…..always at Keyway motors when you phone to request one….