Tender Notice : Closing date extensions for bid numbers B053/16, B054/16, B055/16
Bid No.:
B053-2015/16 – Supply, delivery and offloading of new equipment and Furniture for JBC hall
B054-2015/16 – Supply, Delivery and offloading of New Household Electrical Appliances and other Equipment for Charlestown Hall
B055-2015/16 – Supply, Delivery and Offloading of new household Electrical Appliances for JBC Hall
Please note that due to technical problems that led to a delay in the issue of Bid documents the closing date for the above mentioned bids has been extended to; Friday 13 May 2016 at 12h00
Original closing date: 04 May 2016
New closing date: 13 May 2016
The physical address for submission of bid offers: Municipal Civic Centre (Rates hall), 37 Murchison Street, Newcastle
Mr. B.E Mswane
Municipal Manager
Municipal Civic Centre
Private Bag X6621