Newcastle Municipality Celebrates Nelson Mandela 67 minutes
As part of Nelson Mandela 67 minutes, Newcastle Municipality went out to do their bit to celebrate this international day of doing good and giving back to the community. During the IDP/Budget roadshows the Mayor of Newcastle, Honorable Cllr E.M Nkosi, identified three (3) houses to be renovated. The first beneficiary identified was in Ward 29 in section 6: Bhekinkosi Mazibuko who lives alone after his father passed away a few years ago, is a young man who sleeps outside a semi built house. The municipality will assist in the completion of the construction of the house.
The second beneficiary was Andries Khanyi of Ward 27. Mr Khanyi is a pensioner who residents with his wife and three grandchildren. The department of Corporate and Technical services visited the house to conduct a clean up an deliver groceries.
The third house identified belongs to Ntombikayise khumalo of Ward 19. The RDP house was destroyed by a storm in 2012 due to poor infrastructure the municipality has started with reconstructing the house and replacing the doors a new roof the department of community services, Development planning and human settlement and BTO visited this family.
The day ended off at Cathulani Primary School. The event was hosted by the Deputy Mayor Cllr. Dudu Sibiya with the handing over of 300 food parcels, 300 parcels to 600 households and blankets to the elderly people.

Seen in the picture is the third beneficiary Ms Ntombikayise Khumalo with the Mayor E. M Nkosi with Speaker Cllr J.N Mkhwanazi, SED Thuli Thusi, ward councillors Mrs South Africa finalist Zandi Zwane

Seen is the picture is Sbonelo Mazibuko, member of the Chinese Consolate, Speaker Cllr J.N Mkhwanazi, Mayor Nkosi, ward 19 Cllr, deputy Mayor Sibiya and member of the community.

Mayor Nkosi delivering a key note address at food parcel and blanket handover in Cathulani Primary School

An elderly lady celebrates the gifts from the Municipality and Chinese industry.

The Speaker with Ms Africa cleaning a yard during the Mandela day activities.

The Mrs Africa and Mrs South Africa were very active today during the Mandela day activities, both ladies are from Newcastle.

The food parcels delivered to the elderly.
Thank you Mr Mayor, ad least somebody is looking and doing something for our people living in hardship…
Siyabonga nithini ngalamaRDP aqashiswe abantu bokufika . Nalezindwo enizinikeza amasonto sibesinganazo izindawo .