Mayor Nkosi jailed for Cancer
In an effort to raise funds for the CANSA relay taking place on the 15th of October, Mayor Makhosini Nkosi had to spend time behind bars until the public could bail him out with bail set for R10 000. The Mayor amazingly outdid himself by raising R40 000.

Mayor encouraged the public to donate towards his bail, proceedings will go to CANSA

Mayor Nkosi jailed for Cancer.

Mayor calls for Newcastle people to come to his rescue.
Our Mayor looks good in Orange!
Lol Mayor Makhosini Nkosi what are the times for uku Besoek? ????????
Wooow such a brilliant inmate…rehabilitation will b easier hey…
A caring mayor indeed.
Makhosini Nkosi mhlampe abanye balabobantu Gazi wabafaka lapho nje ngeleya minyaka.bathule bakbhekile.pasop
Ithink he must stay there he looks good