The late President Nelson Mandela once said “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” In that spirit the hour has struck for all students registered to seat for matric examinations to do so. This marks the culmination of 12 years of hard-work, perseverance and commitment. The final hurdle that ends the basic education chapter is here and new opportunities and challenges are within reach.
On behalf of Newcastle Municipality and the entire people of Newcastle, I wish to extend my well wishes to all those who would be seating for their matric examination. We have confidence in you that you will make us proud and produce results that would put our municipality and district on the map of excellence. We plead with you to work harder on your studies, to manage your time smartly and put entertainment on ice for the few weeks of exams so as to ensure that every moment of day is dedicated to your studies.
Matric serves as a gateway to multiple opportunities in life and affords those who succeed an opportunity to enter tertiary institutions to pursue a variety of careers that are pivotal for the socio-economic growth of our country. The success of Newcastle and Amajuba District rests on your shoulders and in you acquiring skills and knowledge that would impact the lives of our people positively.
I wish the class of 2017 all the best in your examinations and please make us proud!