The Mayor of Newcastle to present budget speech and State of the Town address [Update]
[UPDATE : 26 March 2019]
The leadership of the Newcastle Municipality has taken a decision to postpone the State of the Town Address. This postponement will not affect the proper functioning of the municipal administration or any of the legislative functions required for the implementation of our service delivery objectives.
The Town Council will ensure that this continues to happen without any compromise .In the interest of public service and accountability the Town Council led by the Deputy Mayor will adopt the Draft Budget, Draft IDP with draft SDBIP for 2019/20 no later than Wednesday 27th March 2019 in line with MFMA Circular No.94. Shortly after the council will decide on the appropriate date for the SOTA.
The Municipality understands the concerns of the community regarding the Mayor’s arrest, please note we are not yet at liberty to communicate the matter as it is still subjudicare. We will continue to endeavour to provide quality service’s to the people of this town.
Let’s grow Newcastle together!
His worship The Mayor of Newcastle, Cllr. Dr NNG Mahlaba, will be presenting his budget speech and State of the Town address in respect of the 2019/20 financial year.
Date : 27 March 2019
Time : 17:00
Venue : Newcastle Farmers Hall
The public is invited to attend this event and must be seated by 16:30.
Isabelo zimali nenkulumo yedolobha
Umhlonishwa umeya womkhandlu wase Newcastle, ukhansela Dokotela NNG Mahlaba uzokwethulela umkhandlu kanye nomphakathi isabelo zimali nenkulumo yedolobha yonyaka 2019/20 .
Mhlaka : 27 Kundasa 2019
Isikhathi: 17:00
Indawo : Newcastle Farmers Hall
Umphakathi wonke uyamenywa, uyacelwa ukuthi maligamanxa ihora lesine ube usuhleli.
Begroting en stand van die dorpsrede
Die agbare burgemeester van Newcastle Munisipaliteit, Raadslid Dokter NNG Mahlaba, sal sy begrotingsrede ten opsigte van die 2019/20 finasiële jaar lewer.
Datum : 27 Maart 2019
Tyd : 17:00
Plek : Newcastle Skousaal
Die publiek word uitgenooi om die geleentheid by te woon en sitplekke in te neem teen 16:30.