Local AIDS Council

Newcastle Mayor Makhosini Nkosi and Special Programmes Manager Samke Dube
The Newcastle Municipality’s Special Programmes Unit together with various stakeholders in the Local Aids Council (LAC) convened their quarterly meeting to discuss issues pertaining to HIV and AIDS yesterday at the Council Chambers.
Providing background of the meeting, Samke Dube Manager for Special Programme urged all Councillors to understand the role of the LAC and the part they need to play. She further reminded the Cllrs of the importance of understanding their wards, saying that is the easiest way of knowing the unique needs of their community.
Ms Dube said that the community needs to be trained emotionally and psychologically for them to be able to appreciate and accept the functions of the municipality (service delivery) and programmes like the LAC as a step in the right direction to achieving such.
Ms. Jabu Sithole Chairperson of the Women Forum said that most women knowingly get infected because of poverty and they are willing to do anything to get food on the table for their families”.
“We should unashamedly speak about HIV /AIDS until everyone listens so we decrease the number of infections in our district”. Concluded Ms Sithole
In closing Sanele Ndlovu from the ESST urged all parents to not give up on their children and to always find time to spend with their children and teach them the right ways of life.

Different stakeholders that attended the LAC
ESST, not ESCCT….. After such an awesome article!!!