The Newcastle Municipality has embarked on an incentive scheme initiative to encourage the payment of municipal bills. The incentive schemes are aimed at individuals and businesses and are as follows:
(a) that business must settle 50% of the outstanding amount at 30 June 2017, no later than 30 June 2018 and the municipality will write off the debt for the remaining 50%;
(b) that individual customers must settle 50% of the total outstanding amount at 30 June 2017 no later than 30 June 2018 then Council will write off the debt for the remaining 50%;
(c) that individual customers that settles the amount owing in respect of the current financial year with a lump sum settled no later than 30 June 2018 will qualify for a 25% write off in respect of the outstanding debt (debt older than 30 June 2017) then (d) and € will apply for the write off of 75% of the debt at 30 June 2017;
(d) that individual customers that pay their municipal bill for the whole financial year from July 2018 until 30 June 2019, Council will write off 50% of the debt outstanding at 30 June 2017;
(e) that individual customers that pay their monthly municipal bill for the whole financial year from July 2019 until 30 June 2020, Council will write off the remaining debt outstanding at 30 June 2017.