Clean-up Campaign
The Newcastle Municipality embarked on a clean-up campaign today in an effort to cleanse the CBD area. The CBD Clean-up Campaign is aimed at increasing business and public confidence in the CBD. This campaign is the initial and immediate intervention of the many more such activities to come in the future. This campaign also seeks to address some of the social ills and service delivery issues identified by the municipality in certain parts of the CBD. It involves clean-up operations, addressing maintenance challenges such as potholes and the dilapidated informal economy infrastructure, bylaw enforcement, as well as an education drive to change and influence people’s attitudes and perceptions. This campaign is expected to run for six months to build consciousness amongst the general public, formal and the informal business sector.
The Newcastle CBD is the economic engine room for the town and needs to be developed and maintained in a manner that conveys itself to investors and business alike. In an effort to maintain our positive outlook of the CBD and reversing the perception from our stakeholders, that the effects of decentralisation of business could extensively harm the CBD. The Municipality has initiated a number of programmes to drive economic activity, which is characteristic of the Newcastle city centre. The Municipality has set out a plan to re-engineer and re-organise its resources to reduce the negative economic impact that will burden the CBD.

Newcastle Mayor getting his hands dirty at the launch of Newcastle’s clean-up campaign.

Newcastle CBD Clean up Campaign
Lets hope that Kilbarchan will be cleaned as well