Amajuba Healthy Lifestyle event

MEC and Mayors after finishing their 3km walk
During the engagement dialogues with the community of Newcastle, the Office of the Mayor identified the ‘lifestyle we living’ as an issue and for this reason approached the Department of Arts, Culture, Sports and Recreation in hosting a healthy lifestyle event to encourage the culture of exercising.
The event was held on Saturday, 01 April 2017 at Phelandaba Stadium in Madadeni with the purpose to create awareness around communities adopting healthy lifestyles advocated in the #ICHOOSE2BEACTIVE campaign.
The #ICHOOSE2BEACTIVE campaign is an initiative by the Department of Arts, Culture, Sport and Recreation with the aim to provide an opportunity to all South Africans to be actively involved by participating in recreational activities that will;
• Improve their health and well-being,
• Create livable communities and promote Social Cohesion,
• Drive personal benefits of improving self-esteem and
• Improve on social integration, developing community and cultural identity.
The Department of Arts, Culture, Sport and Recreation implemented this campaign in partnership with Newcastle Municipality, Amajuba District Municipality and Department of Health.
In his official welcome, Newcastle Mayor; Cllr EM Nkosi thanked the MEC and her department for the sponsored sporting and gym facilities. He further alluded on the ‘Active Fridays’ initiative and assured that the municipality will be involved in a call on the community, public and private sectors to participate in this initiative to promote an active lifestyle.
MEC of Arts, Culture, Sport and Recreation; Honourable Mrs B.N Sithole-Moloi addressed ward 23 to encourage them to embrace sport and healthy lifestyle as part of their daily physical activities. She elevated the issue of obesity as one of the challenges amongst women in South Africa.
“South Africa is sitting with 3% of South Africans women over the age of 15 being obese and 42% of urban women obese, this is a huge problem, but exercise alone is not enough. Good nutrition is also an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Combined with physical activity, your diet can help reach and maintain a healthy weight thus reduce diseases, said MEC Sithole-Moloi.
MEC further stated that the cabinet of KwaZulu-Natal took a resolution to introduce ‘Active Fridays’ as an initiative to curb the increased sedentary lifestyle. She also acknowledged the role senior citizens play in maintaining a healthy lifestyle as she highlighted the importance to create a conducive environment for them to train and sponsored soccer equipment for them to participate in the senior citizens golden games.
Activities for the day included a 1km and 3km walk, mass aerobics, exhibitions, wheelchair 3 on 3 basketball, volleyball, netball, senior citizens golden games, indigenous games and live performances from Lvovo, DJ Siyanda and other local artists.

Dignitaries with the senior citizens showcasing their sponsored soccer equipment.

Netball match

Volleyball match

MEC engaging with an exhibitor

Mass aerobics
jah sesizokwazi ukuthola omakoti abahle
Wow this is beautiful
Yakhuthaza kakhulu
Janet Chetty
Ayeye bye bye mkhaba hello mzimba omuhle. Ngiyaythandake le My Newcastle My Home