Newcastle Municipality launches the October Transport Month

Picture: Mayor Afzul Rehman interacts with motorist at N11

Newcastle Municipality in partnership with different stakeholders including the Taxi Association, EMRS, SAPS, RTI and ER 24 launched the transport month on Wednesday 22 October 2014. “Today we are launching the October month a very important date on our calendar. This campaign is to ensure that both pedestrians and motorist are kept safe on our roads. But it does not stop today traffic safety is a continuous initiative of community services and the traffic said Strategic Executive Director for Community Services Mr Mandla Sithole.

The overview of the event was presented by Mr Errol Mswane the Chief of Operation. “In a nut shell we are here to inform you as the people who ensure safely on our roads that we are here for you. If we have a mayor that had holds such prestigious recognition we thus challenged to raise the bar and excel. Concluded Mr Mswane.

Mayor Afzul Rehman was present to officially launch the campaign to which he allude “October transport month, arrivals at a time when we filled with excitement preparing for the festive season, but we must also not forget to creating road safety awareness our motorist and pedestrians. Safety procedures on our roads that are going to avoid accidents and ensure that there is no loss of life.
Newcastle Municipality is the fastest growing town second to Richards Bay, in economic terms the rate in which we are growing will result to more people being mobile which means that will be more people on our roads, we have already taken several steps towards ensuring there is a reliable transport system by continuously tarring, opening and improving more roads.

In addition to ensuring that our Townships and Suburbs are paved to keep people away from the roads and our children do not play on the roads.

In the same instance the Municipality would like to involve with residents towards the promotion of a “Car free day” were residents are encouraged to use public transportation and minimise traffic congestion on roads.

Traffic officers were awarded with training Certificates and further encouraged to continue with their good work by. “When you put on your uniform you are a cut above the rest, we need to bring book the respect for the man in uniform, but with respect comes the responsibility to respect yourself first.

A heart-warming vote of thanks was given by Portfolio Councillor -Community services: Cllr Noma Kunene. “A job well done to our traffic officers who always avail themselves at any time continue to work hard.

Seen in the picture is Director: Community services Mr Vish Govender together with the stakeholders from the Taxi Association, ER24 and EMRS

Mayor Afzul Rehman, Cllr Noma Kunene and representative from the South African Police service hand over a Training certificate to Traffic Officer Thwala.

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